A Brief History of Beer



Beer is widely enjoyed by people all over the world.

You know that already.

But, did you know that beer brew is one of the oldest processes?

In fact, ever since 6000 BC, barley grain has already been cultivated by the Ancient Egyptians and Babylonians.

The initial brew was by accident when barley loaves were left out in the rain and it fermented. It was flavoured with dates and honey and was soon drunk.

Beer was enjoyed by ancient Egyptians. Unfortunately, the spread of Islam in 800AD destroyed the process of Egyptian brewing.

Through the most popular beer producing countries nowadays in Europe, Germany, and Czech Republic, the Romans were the ones who spread the knowledge of beer brew to the rest of the continent.

Beer is not only regarded as a drink for parties and special occasions. In fact, it was useful as a source of liquid during the time of the Black Death when there was a water borne disease epidemic in Britain.

During 1516, two Bavarian Dukes named Ludwig X and Wilhelm IV changed the way beer brew was processed with the German Purity Law. This law states that in brewing beer, only water, hops, yeast and barley will be used. Up to the present time, some breweries still comply with the German Purity Law.

Because of the industrial revolution, there were many large breweries that were constructed in England. They paved the way for a better understanding of beer brew with analysis of the process of fermentation like the work carried out by famed scientist, Louis Pasteur.

Yeast was then cultivated to new specialised forms which allowed production with a variety of the kinds of beers and lagers.

Nowadays, home brew has made it possible for homeowners to enjoy brew all year round in their own homes.

The legalisation of home brew in the United Kingdom in 1978 made beer even more popular than it was. Indeed, beer has come a long way from its humble accidental beginnings into something that the whole world enjoys.

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